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The Arkadelphia City Board of Directors will meet today at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall boardroom.

The first item of business is the consideration of an ordinance assessing a five-mill tax against real and personal property in the city limits. This is a yearly ordinance that is adopted and given to the Clark County Quorum Court before the first November meeting each year.

The board also consider bids on 10 in-car video systems to mounted in the Toyota Camry hybridpolice cars that were recently purchased. Bids were open and read publicly on July 31 at 3:30 p.m. Two bids were received: Kustom Signals, Inc., in Lenexa, Kans. ($47,528.90) and Watchguard Video in Plano, Texas ($65,295.75). Kustom Signals submitted the lowest bid, and meets specifications that were requested. If the bids are approved, City Manager Jimmy Bolt will be authorized to execute the contract.

The board will consider a resolution accepting a USDA grant for the new police units. The USDA grand is not to exceed $57,000. The board will consider an ordinance approving the short-term financing for the purchase of the new police fleet. After requesting quotes from the area banks, Southern Bancorp submitted an interest rate of 3.4 percent.

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