Consultant reviews housing situation in Clark County
Arkadelphia, Ark. -
Clark County has a wealth of resources — leaders just need to capitalize on them.
This was the topic of discussion among members of the Clark County Strategic Plan Steering Committee, which met Tuesday at noon in the community center of The Gardens, Arkadelphia’s new retirement housing subdivision.
Angie Rios, a consultant who performed a county-wide housing market study for the Plan, told members that “You already know what you need, you just need someone to tell you.”
Alliance Announces Leadership participants
Leadership Clark County, a program of the Arkadelphia Regional Economic Development Alliance, announced participants selected for Class II.
The program, which is in its second year, received over 45 applications for 25 available slots.
Leadership Clark County is aimed at creating local leadership as well as encouraging and supporting the character and heritage of Clark County. Class members will take part in a Kick-off Retreat on Sept. 9-10 at Camp Winnamocka.
A Business After Hours
A Business After Hours, hosted by Southern Bancorp to welcome Teach for America Corp Members, will be held Thursday, Sept. 3 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at 502 Cherry St. in Helena.
HSU and Southern Bancorp set date for fund-raiser golf tournament
The Henderson State’s “A Day with the Duke” Golf Tournament presented by Southern Bancorp is scheduled for September 18-19 at DeGray State Park Golf Course.
Southern Bancorp to get $700,000 BEA funds for loans
US Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and US Representative Marion Berry Friday announced that Southern Bancorp in Helena-West Helena has been selected to receive $700,000 through the US Treasury Department’s Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program. The funds will help First Bank provide affordable home mortgages, affordable housing development loans, education loans, and small business loans.
The Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival Poster Unveiling Party
The Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival Unveiling Party hosted by Southern Bancorp will be held Thursday, Sept 10 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at 502 Cherry St. in Helena.
Directors approve financing for hybrid police cars, waive bidding for parks and recreation incident
Arkadelphia, Ark. -
The Arkadelphia City Board of Directors met Monday to consider an ordinance assessing a five mill tax against real and personal property; bids on 10 in-car video systems; a resolution accepting a USDA grant for police units; an ordinance approving financing of the police units and an ordinance waiving competitive bidding.
KIPP schools choose Blytheville
The KIPP charter schools, which have proved a success story in Helena, have chosen Blytheville as the location for the next KIPP school in Arkansas.
Non-Profit Relocates to Reynolds Center
Southern Good Faith Fund, a nonprofit that has helped businesses and families in Pine Bluff since 1988, moved this week from 2304 W. 29th Ave. to the Donald W. Reynolds Community Services Center, 211 W. Third Ave.