17 de agosto de 2009 | Noticias
Because the City of Arkadelphia saved money by paving 26th Street and parts of Country Club Road and Village Drive with microseal instead of slurry seal, the street department next week will launch a series of repairs on other city streets using hot mix asphalt.
Beginning Monday, the department will seal off Feaster Trail between Baptist Health Medical Center-Arkadelphia and Cypress Road in preparation for paving the section of the trail that City Manager Jimmy Bolt said has the most need.
Ago 7, 2009 | Noticias
Dr. Wesley Kluck spoke to the Economic Development Subcommittee of the Clark County Strategic Plan Monday about the possibility of bringing broadband Internet to all county residents.
Ago 7, 2009 | Noticias
Henderson State University’s Small Business and Technology Development Center, with the support of Southern Bancorp Capital Partners, City of Arkadelphia, Clark County, and Southern Bancorp, will offer a 10-session busniess training program beginning Sept. 3.
Ago 7, 2009 | Noticias
Del Boyette of Boyette Strategic Advisors met with the EDCCC Tuesday at Dawson Cooperative, giving the 15 voting members and others present an update on the “blueprints” his economic development firm has advised the county to follow.
Ago 7, 2009 | Noticias
Annual disaster drill to be Aug. 29
Extra state funding for fire protection will be shared by the fire departments in St. Francis County after a unanimous vote Wednesday by the mayors in the county.
The mayors also learned of a disaster drill planned for later this month.
Shane Dallas, Emergency Management Coordinator, discussed the extra money, made possible by Act 884, with the mayors. According to Dallas, the Act 884 funding is similar to the Act 833 funding which can be used for the purchase of firefighting equipment.
Ago 6, 2009 | Noticias
The Clark County Child Care Center celebrated 100 days of operation Friday, and parents who work odd hours are encouraged to apply for the services. The idea of a child care center came from the Clark County Strategic Plan, and was constructed by Southern Bancorp Community Development Corp. Gov. Mike Beebe was the guest speaker at the ribbon cutting of the facility’s opening, when Danfoss Scroll Technologies presented a $17,000 grant for playground equipment.
3 de agosto de 2009 | Noticias
ARKADELPHIA-Southern Bancorp completó recientemente la adquisición de Timberland Bank of El Dorado, un banco comunitario de $140 millones en el centro sur de Arkansas.
3 de agosto de 2009 | Noticias
Cuando la gente oye las palabras "desarrollo económico", piensa en puestos de trabajo en la industria o en nuevas empresas industriales que abren sus puertas. Pero puede significar mucho más. En Arkansas, estamos centrando nuestros esfuerzos de desarrollo económico en lograr un progreso duradero en nuestras comunidades, especialmente en las zonas rurales y en el Delta, donde los ciudadanos han estado desatendidos durante demasiado tiempo.
Jul 30, 2009 | Noticias
Note: Southern Bancorp provided a $100,000 grant to the Arkansas Blues and Heritage Festival in 2009.
From The Economist print edition
Music is big business in small towns
FOR most of the year, Manchester looks like any small Southern town. It nestles between Nashville and Chattanooga with a county courthouse flanked by war monuments, and a Wal-Mart on the outskirts of town.
Jul 23, 2009 | Noticias
Mother Nature more than cooperated with sunshine and fall-like temperatures Saturday for the official unveiling of the Civil War Helena Interpretive Plan. Optimism was the order of the day as a sizeable number of locals and out-of-state visitors turned out to witness what the residents of this Delta community hope to be a rebirth through tourism-generated dollars.