10 de marzo de 2009 | Noticias
Southern Bancorp, the banking organization that has partnered with the Ross Foundation to fund the Clark County Strategic Plan, recently received a national bank award for its efforts in revitalizing rural communities. Southern received the American Bankers Association Community Bank award at the ABA national conference in Phoenix, Ariz.
10 de marzo de 2009 | Noticias
Five KIPP Delta College Preparatory and KIPP Delta Collegiate students were recently accepted into enrichment programs, scholarship programs and other schools. “Due to their hard work in and outside the classroom, these students are receiving accolades around the state and nation,” said Sarah Cambelll, college counselor for KIPP Delta Collegiate.
3 de marzo de 2009 | Noticias
Dreams are what life is made of and the students at KIPP have seen one of them come true with the completion of the gymnasium. Several hundred friends and supporters of KIPP turned out Saturday afternoon for the ribbon cutting ceremony inside the spacious gymnasium that still has that freshly completed lacquer finish and glossy appearance.
2 de marzo de 2009 | Noticias
Housing Arkansas, a coalition of affordable housing advocates in the private, government and nonprofit sectors, held a news conference today to highlight legislation that would create a statewide housing trust fund for Arkansas. The trust fund would allow access to quality housing for a broad range of Arkansans.
26 de febrero de 2009 | Noticias
El proyecto Small Towns, Big Ideas (Pequeñas ciudades, grandes ideas) comenzó a mediados de 2006, cuando la Escuela de Gobierno de la UNC se asoció con el Centro de Desarrollo Económico Rural de Carolina del Norte para identificar y documentar cincuenta pequeñas ciudades que estaban aplicando enfoques exitosos o innovadores de desarrollo económico comunitario.
Feb 23, 2009 | Noticias
Southern Bancorp was nationally recognized today at the American Bankers Association National Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Southern received the national bank award for its efforts in revitalizing rural communities.
18 de febrero de 2009 | Noticias
Líderes electos y ciudadanos preocupados de todo el condado de St. Francis llenaron el martes por la noche la Sala de la Cancillería en el Palacio de Justicia del condado de St. El grupo recibió los primeros informes sobre los esfuerzos de desarrollo económico, así como un esfuerzo de limpieza en todo el condado.
17 de febrero de 2009 | Noticias
The School of Government, in collaboration with the North Carolina Rural Center, has released Small Towns, Big Ideas: Case Studies in Small Town Community Economic Development. The publication is the result of a yearlong study by Will Lambe, associate director of the Community and Economic Development Program at the School of Government. The collection features real stories, from real places that are successfully confronting real challenges similar to those facing small communities everywhere, such as globalization, geographic isolation, urban sprawl, aging populations, and natural disasters.
12 de febrero de 2009 | Noticias
¿Cómo puede aprovechar el condado de Phillips su historia de la Guerra Civil?
Joe y Maria Brent, especialistas en historia pública cuya empresa Mudpuppy & Waterdog Inc. está trabajando en un plan interpretativo que se presentará al público en abril, tienen varias ideas. El miércoles presentaron algunas al Club Rotario de Helena-West Helena.
10 de febrero de 2009 | Noticias
Southern Bancorp fue seleccionado para el premio por sus acciones para "promover el desarrollo de Arkadelphia", con características que incluyen la capacidad de liderar a otros, tener el deseo de mejorar la calidad de vida en la ciudad y tener la capacidad de trabajar en las necesidades de vivienda, la creación de empleo y las oportunidades recreativas.