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Hospital CEO gives update to Rotarians

With the deliberateness and precision of a military maneuver, Jack Hill stepped towards the crowd and provided Rotarians with several updates at the civic club’s weekly meeting Tuesday.

Hill, administrator of Northwest Regional Medical Mississippi Center, said improvements are being seen at the Clarksdale hospital, but encouraged Rotarians to investigate and determine the success of the facility on their own.

ATU-Ozark picked for ‘Sustainable’ community pilot program

The Arkansas Tech University-Ozark campus is one of three community colleges in the state to be selected as pilot sites in the “Sustainable Communities through Community College Leadership” program.

Part of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, the program is designed to build upon existing relationships between the colleges and community groups. The other colleges selected are Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas in Helena, and Ozarka College in Melbourne.

Graduation day in Helena

Tonight at 7:00 on the campus of Phillips Community College in Helena-West Helena, the first class of seniors will graduate from what’s commonly known as the KIPP school.

If you closely examine how far these kids have come, you’ll realize just how remarkable this story is.

Gov. Mike Beebe will deliver the commencement address at what’s officially known as the KIPP Delta Collegiate High School. Mike Feinberg, one of the national founders of KIPP (which stands for Knowledge Is Power Program), will be there.

If there has been a more hopeful day than this one in the Arkansas Delta in recent years, I’m not sure what it is.

$5,000 Grant Assists Blytheville Factory Worker With Closing Costs

BLYTHEVILLE, Ark., May 20, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At 25 years old, Monica Reed never thought she would be a homeowner. But with the help of a $5,000 grant from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (FHLB Dallas) and Southern Bancorp Bank of Blytheville, she is now a proud homeowner.

Power to Care Helping Arkansans Pay Electric Bills

Hot weather is fast approaching, bringing higher temperatures, humidity and higher electricity usage as Arkansans try to keep cool. Many elderly, low-income residents need some extra help with electricity costs during summer.

Thanks to the generosity of Entergy Arkansas, Inc. customers, employees, retirees and shareholders, those customers having trouble paying their electric bill do have a place to go for help – Entergy’s The Power to Care fund.

At an employee luncheon today, Entergy Arkansas officials handed over a check for $169,655.61 to officials of the Southern Good Faith Fund, the administrator for The Power to Care program. This was the company match to a portion of customer and employee contributions in 2009, which totaled over $497,000 that will be used to help Entergy Arkansas customers in 2010.

St. Patrick’s Day financial aid fair at PCCUA

On Wednesday – St. Patrick’s Day – various college, community, and state agencies partnered to provide students at PCCUA – Helena-West Helena with opportunities to obtain money for college during a financial aid fair in the college’s Bonner Student Center. Among those providing resources were the PCCUA Financial Aid Office, PCCUA Scholarship Office, PCCUA Student Support Services, Career Pathways, Single Parent Scholarship Fund, Workforce Centers of Arkansas, Southern Bancorp, GEAR-UP, Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.

Omega Performance Blog – Are You Microlending Yet?

Microlending came to the forefront of the world stage in 2006, when Muhammad Yunus shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the microlending organization he founded in Bangladesh, Grameen Bank. That company alone has lent money to more than 7.6 million people around the world.

Crime task force forms in county

Raising funds to help secure State Police sub-station

Here’s some bad news for local criminals. With the support of the Delta Bridge Project and State Rep. Clark Hall, Phillips County law enforcement agencies have formed a countywide crime task force. The objective of the task force is twofold – to better coordinate crime fighting efforts and to raise funds to establish an Arkansas State Police substation in the county.

Singing Coahoma County's praises…and it's not all Blues

Like the rest of the Delta, Clarksdale and Coahoma County are struggling with a troubled economy, but residents also feel the area is better off than many other places in the nation. With renewed excitement in Downtown Clarksdale, a strong tourism industry and numerous educational opportunities creating a strong workforce, Coahoma County has much to offer.

Though still feeling the loss of Delta Wire in 2009, Director of the Clarksdale and Coahoma County Chamber of Commerce Ron Hudson remains focused on recruitment and retention.

“We do see signs of activity and things picking up,” he says. “It seems like we might be punching through the other side of this recession.” Hudson is seeing some prospect activity, and he hopes those become fruitful and start adding manufacturing, distribution and similar types of employment opportunities.

Arkansas Blues & Heritage Festival, Wakarusa Bring in Tourism Dollars

In 2009, about 2 percent of visitors to Arkansas went to a rock or pop concert, according to a report by Longwoods International, a marketing research and consulting firm.

While that number might not seem significant, these visitors spent nearly $107.6 million in the state. And several recent and pending music-related developments could increase the number of music tourists – and revenue – coming to Arkansas.