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Clark County Judge Ron Daniell filed the articles of incorporation Tuesday at the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office to officially create the Economic Development Corp. of Clark County, also known as the EDCCC.

Daniell, county Attorney Todd Turner and Bill Wright, president of the Clark County Industrial Council, went to Secretary of State Charlie Daniels’ office to file the paperwork as approved Monday night by the Clark County Quorum Court.

Now that the corporation is official, members of its board of directors can meet and begin work. The court also approved the appointment of the five-member board and 15-member advisory committee. The board members are Euodias Goza, Conner Eldridge, Frances Eason-Nelson, Becky Jester and Randy Sorrells.

The non-voting advisory members are Wendell Ketchum, Joyce Palla, Tom Calhoon, Rosboro Hendrix Jr., Wesley Kluck, William Wright, Lewis Shepherd Jr., Tommy Roebuck, Randall Turner, Ricky Norton, Sherry Kelley, Damon Daniels, Phillip Baldwin, Billy Tarpley and Billy Bunn. State representatives and senators who serve Clark County are also members of the advisory board, Daniell said.

The first organizational meeting of the EDCCC will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Southwest Arkansas Technology Learning Center.