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In English

Monday was a bright day in Clark County, so much so, in fact, that the years ahead will also be brighter.

What made the day so bright was the formalization of strategic plan in the works for many months that will chart the future for the county over the next 10 years. Of course, that means a bright future farther into the future than that.

Before an audience of hundreds, the Clark County Strategic Plan was formally presented. It outlines efforts to be made that will result in overall growth and financial security for the county.

The whole process started last year and involved over 500 Clark Countians who decided to answer the question “why aren’t we growing” with actions that would result in growth. The plan presented Monday is the result.

The plan addresses these areas: education, healthcare, housing, economic development, tourism and leadership, all key elements if any community the size of Clark County is to grow and prosper.

In the Executive Summary presented Monday, we read that the plan is a comprehensive planning document that organizes the community’s long-term vision into 41 strategic goals and 254 actionable items. The summary adds that the plan is a not an assessment, study or analysis, but rather a blueprint for change with plans of action. In other words, it’s not just talk. It is work in action.

Prime leaders in the whole strategic planning process were Ouachita Baptist University, Henderson State University, the Joint Educational Consortium, the Ross Foundation and Southern Bancorp. But in the end it was people. Hundreds gave up hours and hours of their valuable time to work for a brighter future for our county.

But the work has just begun. It will need many, many people, including people just like you. Won’t you help?

If you participated in the planning process, accept our thanks. Pat yourself on the back. And let’s work together for an even brighter day in Clark County.