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KIPP Delta’s expansion plans supported by Walton Foundation

KIPP announces that Maisie Wright, one of 17 KIPP Fisher Fellows for 2009-10, will open a new public charter school in the Arkansas Delta. The Fisher Fellowship, which prepares aspiring principals to open and run new KIPP schools, is a yearlong leadership-training program that begins this month with a summer Institute at New York University. KIPP Delta is also announcing an opportunity to three Delta communities to sponsor this new KIPP school.

The new KIPP charter middle school to open under Ms. Wright’s leadership will be situated in one of three communities: Pine Bluff, West Memphis, or Blytheville. KIPP Delta will select the location of its new school by a competitive application process that will measure such factors as community support, parent demand, and availability of facilities and funding. On July 9, KIPP Delta is making available a request for proposals.

(RFP) to leaders and organizations in these three Delta communities through its website at