In the News
More People Seeking Help to Pay for Energy Bills
With prices going up across the board, requests for utility bill assistance have increased, according to officials who help pay energy bills.
“Five thousand or more people must have applied in the five counties served,” said Betty Smith, executive director of the Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Economic Opportunities Commission.
Report on payday lenders: 101 comply, 55 defy Attorney General’s order to stop making loans
Arkansans Against Abusive Payday Lending (AAAPL) held a news conference July 16, 2008, to release a report evaluating payday lenders’ compliance with Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel’s March 2008 order to stop making loans. The report found that 101 of 156 lenders have complied with McDaniel’s order and stopped making loans while the remaining 55 remain open in defiance of the order.
Congressman Berry tours alternative fuels facility
…Delta American launched its biodiesel project in late 2005. The original target date of April 1 has passed and now the anticipated opening has been moved back to no earlier than mid August.
Miller sworn as federal judge – Praises hometown Helena’s support
Brian Miller set the tone for his investiture as federal judge for the Eastern District of Arkansas when he appeared in the Richard Arnold Courthouse Friday morning.
Delta Yams awarded $1 million in state and federal funding
Arkansas Delta Yams, which experienced a bumper crop in its first year of operation in 2007, has been awarded $1 million in state-federal funding, Phillips County Judge Don Gentry announced Wednesday.
Changes in Arkansas banking community under way
LITTLE ROCK – Further consolidation in Arkansas’ banking community likely is already under way, the CEO of Southern Bancorp said Tuesday.
“I think you’ll see probably massive consolidation here in Arkansas and I think that that’s probably under way right now and will continue,” Phillip Baldwin said after a speech at the Arkansas Small Business Awards luncheon.
Elk Horn Bank to become Southern Bancorp on July 1
“The name will change, but everything else will be the same,” said Bill Wright, chairman and CEO of Elk Horn. “Our customers can keep using their Elk Horn Bank checks and ATM cards and debit cards.”
Entergy Corp. donates $142,000 to The Power to Care
Entergy Corporation today announced a new name for the customer assistance funds operated by the company’s utility subsidiaries: The Power to Care. The new name replaces Project Deserve, a program that for 26 years has collected more than $5 million from Arkansas employees, customers and shareholders to help elderly and handicapped customers pay their electric bills during times of financial crisis.
Helena the new canoe capital of the lower Mississippi River?
…”Helena has it all,” said Ruskey as he prepares to open the second outlet of Quapaw Canoe Co. on Cherry Street. The grand opening celebration is scheduled for June 27 and Ruskey seems excited to make Helena the canoe capital of the lower Mississippi River.
Harvel: Market county based on universities
Paul Harvel, the new president and CEO of the Economic Development Corp. of Clark County, presented Monday evening an “overview” of his plans to bring more jobs and improve the quality of life here.
Harvel spoke to a near-capacity crowd in the Walker Conference Center at Ouachita Baptist University. He and his wife, Barbara, then met with community members during a social event at DeGray Lake.