In the News
Community strengths discussed at community meeting
David A. Knopick of GouldEvans of Kansas City Missouri finished up the first community meeting held at Temple Beth El heritage hall to discuss ways of revitalizing Helena-West Helena and Phillips County. The next meeting will be held this evening at the heritage hall.
First Bank, SGFF offer free tax returns filing in county
Southern Good Faith Fund and First Bank of the Delta, in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service is proud to offer the VITA program to all residents of Phillips County and surrounding areas yet again.
County receives its first 1/2 – cent sales tax check
Clark County received its first economic development sales tax check in late December, Clark County Treasurer Judy Beth Hutcherson said. The check was for $101,498.64 which reflected collections for October.
Opinion: The Helena-West Helena solution
…Thanks to Delta Bridge Project and city resources we already are seeing the positive results of burned out houses being torn down and hundreds of decrepit cars being disposed of. Now it is time for all of us to say, “How can I help?”
City receives gift of oak trees from Ross Foundation
Employees of Arkadelphia’s water utilities and street departments Monday plant one of 40 oak trees in downtown Arkadelphia. The Ross Foundation funded the project in observance of its 40th anniversary.
Economic group talks CCSP goals, action steps
In the second of several planned meetings, members of the economic development subcommittee of the Clark County Strategic Plan met Monday to help prioritize the goals and action steps of their portion of the plan.
Drumco owners ready to open in county
The owners of Drumco are excited to be moving to Arkadelphia, co-owner Barry Wingard said during a press conference today at the Southwest Arkansas Technical Learning Center.
The company, which recycles and reconditions steel drums and other non-bulk packaging, now operates facilities in Bauxite and Memphis, Tenn. The Bauxite facility measures 60,000 square feet, but “we’ve simply outgrown it,” he said.
Banks get behind B&G Club
The Boys & Girls Club of Phillips County announced today the endowment of the Club’s Teen Zone and Kitchen/Concessions area by First Bank of the Delta / Southern Financial Partners and Helena National Bank, respectively…
KIPP construction to begin soon
Equipment has begun arriving at the construction site of the proposed KIPP high school and gymnasium, which will be constructed just off Missouri St. During the first phase before the construction of permanent buildings, classes will be held in modular buildings.
FDIC wants millions more in ‘mainstream’
There are an estimated 28 million” unbanked” and 44.7 million “underbanked” people in the United States today, representing a potential market of 40 million households with little or no current relationship with a financial institution.