En las noticias
Llegan los depósitos de biodiésel
Esta semana se están instalando depósitos diurnos en Planters Service para preparar la futura construcción de la planta de biodiésel.
El sueño Delta se hace realidad
Creo que ya es seguro decir que el condado de Phillips y el resto del Delta se están convirtiendo rápidamente en algo más que un parpadeo en la pantalla del radar. Sé que hay personas de la zona que dirían que esta zona genera algunas noticias no tan buenas y dirían que estoy muy equivocado en mi afirmación....
El condado de Clark vota a favor del impuesto sobre ventas del 0,5%
Los votantes del condado de Clark aprobaron el martes por abrumadora mayoría un impuesto sobre las ventas del 0,5% destinado al desarrollo económico.
Committee leaders ready for release of final plan
With the final draft of the Clark County Strategic Plan scheduled for distribution next week, Dr. Wesley Kluck recently talked about the highlights of the plan.
DRA focuses on improving traffic flow in the Delta
During an intense planning retreat in 2005, the Delta Regional Authority board decided to focus its regional initiatives in the areas of transportation, health care and information technology. This has been a busy year for the authority in each of these areas, especially the area of transportaion.
B & G Club celebrates exciting new hire
Boys & Girls clubs of Phillips county announces the hire of Royce Watson as Director of Programs. In this role, Royce will have overall responsibility for daily programming at the Club.
Sweet Potatoes should be rolling in by fall
Finishing touches are being added to the sweet potato storage facility…
Open Forum: Arkadelphia Speaks
With the successful effort to pass the half-cent economic sales tax behind us, Dr. Wesley Kluck, co-chair of the Clark County Strategic Planning initiative, talked last week about where we go from here.
Go for Gold!
Although I missed the race itself, I read the news and web accounts of Olympic athlete Joey Cheek who announced, on winning the gold medal in speedskating, that he would donate the entire $25,000 prize to the philanthropic work of Norway’s famed Olav Koss, another gold medal Olympian.
Consolidated Biofuels and IBF JV Announce Planned 150 MPGY Biodiesel Production/Crush Facility at Arkansas Port Location
CHICAGO — Yesterday, in cooperation and agreement with International Bio Fuels Corp., Consolidated Biofuels, Inc., a Chicago-based alternative fuels company (Pink Sheets:CSBF), announced through its CEO, Daniel L. Honeycutt, that on November 28, 2006, IBF, on behalf of the IBF/CSBF joint venture partnership, contracted with Chicot County, Arkansas to build and operate a unique combination biodiesel production and soybean oil crush facility located at the Port of Yellow Bend in…