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Banking in the Delta

Good business banks accounts and a full range of financial tools to help manage the operations of a business are vital factors in the success and growth of Delta companies large and small. In addition to their many offerings to individual account holders, Delta banks provide a wide variety of services designed specifically to meet business needs.

Delta Southern Bank pledges $200,000 to B.B. King Museum

The Board of Directors of Delta Southern Bank is pleased to have been able to help the B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center meet the terms of a $2.5 million challenge from Jim Barksdale. Mr. Barksdale had pledged the funds to the B.B. King Museum provided their board of directors raise $500,000 in matching funds.

Tyson se une para construir una planta de biocombustible

En su segundo gran anuncio energético del año, Tyson Foods Inc. anunció el lunes que destinará $75 millones a ayudar a construir una planta de combustibles sintéticos para alimentar automóviles diésel y aviones militares de alto rendimiento.

A Slow Demise in the Delta

From 2001 to 2005, the federal government spent nearly $1.2 billion in agricultural subsidies to boost farmers’ incomes and invigorate local economies in this poverty-stricken region of the Mississippi Delta.

Elaine students tour bank

Elaine kindergarten through third grade students recently toured First Bank of the Delta, N.A. located on Cherry St. in Helena.

Courthouse park plans unveiled

Two years of planning and dreaming brought John King before the Advertising and Planning Commission Tuesday in hopes of netting the needed funding for the courthouse Square Park on Cherry St.