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Aurelia Jones-Taylor

Aaron E. Henry Community Health Services, Inc., Chief Executive Officer

Born and reared in Hollandale, MS, Mrs. Jones-Taylor has directed Aaron E. Henry for close to thirty years. During her tenure she has increased the number of service sites from 2 to 10 and developed, implemented and expanded on several community and state-wide economic and community development initiatives, including programs to address health disparities in chronic diseases, pharmaceutical access, local network development, workforce development, emergency room diversion initiatives, community health education initiatives, health and wellness programs and rural general public transportation. In addition, she has oversight over all aspects of the corporation including the Delta Area Rural Transit System, Ryan White Part C and the Mississippi Children’s Health Project. Mrs. Jones-Taylor has presented at various national and state conferences and her projects have been featured in Delta Business Journal, Mahogany Magazine, Centers for Disease Control, National Association of Community Health Centers, AARP and the Journal of the Community Transportation Association of America, to name a few. She earned a BS Degree from Tougaloo College and a MBA from Jackson State University.  Additionally, she was recipient of the coveted John Gilbert Award presented by the National Association of Community Health Centers in 2003, Executive Director of the Year for Mississippi Primary Health Care Association, The Aaron Shirley Disguised Indigent Care Award and many others. Ms. Jones Taylor served two terms as president of the Mississippi Primary Health Care Association, member of the National Rural Health Task Force, Geiger Gibson Leadership Advisory Group at George Washington University and on several local and state boards and committees.

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Dr. Eduardo Rubén Ochoa, Jr.

Dr. Henry Torres

Mike Myers

Walter Pryor

Will Lambe

Kenia Davenport

Vance Smiley

Hugh Arant, Jr.

Raymond Christman

Jerry Damerow

John C. Edwards

Kim Evans, J.D.

Jim Franks

Donna Gambrell

Sarah Gentry

Amanda Johnson

Glendell Jones, Jr.

Aurelia Jones-Taylor

Daniel Koehler

Michael Montgomery

Walter Morris, Jr.

John T. Olaimey

Andrea Parnell

Walt Patterson

Nathan Pittman

Tom Pittman

James L. Prouty

Susan F. Smith

Darryl Swinton

Sherman Tate

Diane Tatum

Clark Tennyson

Darrin L. Williams