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Mike Myers

Director Financiero interino

Mike Myers, a certified public accountant, retired in 2023 from his longtime role as CFO of Winrock International, a nonprofit organization headquartered in Little Rock, Ark. Winrock focuses on developing innovations in agriculture, the environment, clean energy and leadership development to help people improve their livelihoods while protecting the resources on which they rely. Myers had been with Winrock since 1997. Prior to joining Winrock, he held various senior financial management positions with two Fortune 200 companies. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Arkansas and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Henderson State University (HSU) where he previously served as Chair of the Board of Trustees. He is both an HSU School of Business Hall of Fame and HSU Academy of Scholars inductee, and he was named Arkansas Business’ CFO of the Year in 2009. Myers also a former member of the Board of Directors of The European Cooperative for Rural Development (EUCORD) based in Brussels, Belgium. EUCORD’s mission is to help people living in poverty in developing countries by engaging the private sector in delivering services to rural communities.

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Dr. Eduardo Rubén Ochoa, Jr.

Dr. Henry Torres

Mike Myers

Walter Pryor

Will Lambe

Kenia Davenport

Vance Smiley

Hugh Arant, Jr.

Raymond Christman

Jerry Damerow

John C. Edwards

Kim Evans, J.D.

Jim Franks

Donna Gambrell

Sarah Gentry

Amanda Johnson

Glendell Jones, Jr.

Aurelia Jones-Taylor

Daniel Koehler

Michael Montgomery

Walter Morris, Jr.

John T. Olaimey

Andrea Parnell

Walt Patterson

Nathan Pittman

Tom Pittman

James L. Prouty

Susan F. Smith

Darryl Swinton

Sherman Tate

Diane Tatum

Clark Tennyson

Darrin L. Williams