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Sarah Gentry

HCJ CPAs & Advisors, PLLC, CPA, Principal

Sarah Gentry is a Certified Public Accountant and Principal with the Little Rock accounting firm of HCJ CPAs & Advisors, PLLC where she focuses on audit and tax services. A 2002 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Henderson State University, Gentry also received her MBA from HSU. In addition to her service to Southern, she currently is a member of both the Arkansas Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Liderazgo, por orden alfabético

Haga clic en las pestañas de abajo para ordenar por tablero.

Dr. Eduardo Rubén Ochoa, Jr.

Dr. Henry Torres

Mike Myers

Walter Pryor

Will Lambe

Kenia Davenport

Vance Smiley

Hugh Arant, Jr.

Raymond Christman

Jerry Damerow

John C. Edwards

Kim Evans, J.D.

Jim Franks

Donna Gambrell

Sarah Gentry

Amanda Johnson

Glendell Jones, Jr.

Aurelia Jones-Taylor

Daniel Koehler

Michael Montgomery

Walter Morris, Jr.

John T. Olaimey

Andrea Parnell

Walt Patterson

Nathan Pittman

Tom Pittman

James L. Prouty

Susan F. Smith

Darryl Swinton

Sherman Tate

Diane Tatum

Clark Tennyson

Darrin L. Williams