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How Late Payments Affect Your Credit Score

How Late Payments Affect Your Credit Score

By Charlestien Harris Often I hear people ask, “Why is it so important for me to pay my bills on time?  As long as they get my money they should be satisfied.”  While it is true you have paid your creditor what you owe them, the fact of the matter is there...
The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020

The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020

By Jayla Wilson I have seen and laughed at numerous memes about how so many of us thought 2020 was going to be our best year yet and coronavirus said, “You want to bet?” While I know this pandemic has thrown a wrench in many of our plans, I encourage you not to give...
Debt Management: Do it yourself or Pay A Company

Debt Management: Do it yourself or Pay A Company

By Charlestien Harris While watching the news and scanning Facebook, I have noticed numerous advertisements for debt management companies. With ads promising easy debt relief, these programs are tempting to anybody struggling to stay on top of debt.  The question...
What Happens If I Can’t Pay My Bills

What Happens If I Can’t Pay My Bills

By Charlestien Harris When managing finances, the number one priority is to keep current with your mortgage or rent, as well as your monthly household bills.  There are many factors that can affect your ability to stay current with bills such as death, job loss,...
Debt Management: Do it yourself or Pay A Company

Recognizing Roadblocks to Financial Success

By Charlestien Harris Hello, my financial fitness trainees!  This week, I decided it was time to help you recognize some obstacles that might hinder you from moving forward with getting your finances in order once we move past this health crisis.  Whatever they are,...


By Janie Ginocchio You might be thinking, “I only know one person named ALICE and she’s my 86-year-old great aunt.” That’s surely true, but what’s true, too, is that ALICE is your waitress at your favorite diner, the lovely people who help you get your groceries to...