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En Español provides a framework for achieving greater impact. It guides you to actions that make a difference in closing well-documented gaps in racial equity and removing barriers for achieving fair outcomes.

Based on reflective conservations with nearly 100 philanthropic organizations operating in both African American and White American settings, and funded by the Ford Foundation, the presentation on this Web site is built on the experience of those already moving philanthropy closer to social justice and racial equity.

“Social justice” and “racial equity” are challenging words, yet they touch everything we do, both in our organizations and in daily life. The gaps in our systems’ and markets’ performance for different racial, ethnic and cultural groups are well-documented. The good news is: philanthropy can help. This Web site shows how.

On you’ll find:

A framework, six pathways to progress, advanced by promising practices and examples from the field, that allows you to use your philanthropic resources more strategically, improving the chances of long-term success. You can start where you are and begin to “do good” on any pathway at your level of interest.

“Success” defined in a sensible, approachable way – it’s all about making and noticing progress in closing the gaps. The findings build on a realistic approach to evaluation that’s more about “improving” efforts than “proving” them. assumes you want to help make progress, and guides your choices.

A set of promising practices that help “move the needle,” with examples from the field and links to practitioner organizations.

Short essays and tools allowing you to go deeper on key topics (“gaps in racial equity,” “saving the babies,” “relationships as infrastructure,” “moving past the silence,” “culturally appropriate technical assistance.”

Ways to put your resources to work that can make a real difference. Philanthropy is practiced by the generous side in each of us, in our roles as worthy individuals, parents, neighbors, and workers, wherever we live or work. And philanthropy, on this Web site, is about giving not only treasure, but also time and talent.

Choices for giving, grantmaking, and grant writing that go way beyond simple charity, into all the areas of advocacy for healthy community development and support for justice and equity that the law permits.

Examples from the historically challenging arena of race relations in the US. We understand the shortcomings of focusing only on African American and White American relations when the field of social justice and racial equity includes so much more. It’s because this arena is so burdensome and costly yet promising that we’ve begun this inquiry here. The framework we offer can be useful in other challenging and charged arenas, we suspect.

Your next steps? Spend some time looking over the site: Consider the pathways, the gaps, and practices that can help close the gaps. Read some of the Resources. We’re hoping you feel energized. Small but steady steps move you forward. Send the URL ( to your circles of colleagues, your networks, and your professional associations. Take stock of how your own philanthropic organization is doing: Examine how your organization on each of the pathways. Is it possible to talk about these issues without hurting each other? How could you help your organization take next steps? Get advice from respected, diverse sources. Create discussions of what’s possible. Call a meeting and ask, “What more could we do to level the playing field and achieve more fair outcomes in arenas that we care about?” Set out “next steps.” Follow through. Be in touch with others in your circle or network to support each others’ progress. Relationships, networks, and leadership are necessary ingredients for supporting progress!