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Ross, Beebe on hand for Arkadelphia Promise signing day

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe provided the keynote address for the inaugural Arkadelphia Promise Academic Signing Day.  Fourth District Congressman Mike Ross also attended the event to help celebrate the special occasion.  The event was held in the Arkadelphia High...

120 pledge to attend college on Arkadelphia Promise Scholarship

In a ceremony at Arkadelphia High School today, 120 students signed commitments to pursue a college degree, said Jason Jones, the program’s executive director. Gov. Mike Beebe and U.S. Rep. Mike Ross, D-Prescott, attended the event. Funded by Southern Bancorp and the...

Governor Mike Beebe speaks to students

In honor of the inaugural class of the Arkadelphia Promise Scholarship, Arkadelphia High School will be hosting Arkadelphia Promise Academic Signing Day on Wednesday, May 18 at 1:30. The scholarship program is funded by Southern Bancorp and the Ross Foundation, both...

Future calls for River Park improvements for tourism

“We have so much to offer here in Helena-West Helena,” commented Julia Nordsieck, community development officer at the April 6 Rotary.  Nordsieck explained that thanks to a partnership between the Delta Bridge Project and the National Audubon Society the Helena River...