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Southern Good Faith Fund Promotes Asset Building

Southern Good Faith Fund’s Public Policy program is supporting several initiatives to increase asset building opportunities for working Arkansans. A key priority is increasing funding for the state’s Individual Development Account (IDA) program. The current annual appropriation level of $550,000 for IDAs does not allow access to them statewide or in every county. Currently, four organizations offer Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funded IDA accounts in 36 of the state’s…

Portion of strategic plan addresses county health needs

Members of the health subcommittee of the Clark County Strategic Plan concentrated on several points during their discussions, including expanding health care services to areas of the county that are under-served, said Margo Green one of the co-chairmen of the subcommittee.

State, local Democrats review accomplishments; Tucker praises CCSP

“Compromise is the key to accomplishing anything, not just in politics, but in life,” former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker said Saturday night. Tucker, Arkansas governor from 1993-1996, was the keynote speaker at the 12th annual Clinton Day Dinner, a fund-raiser for the Clark County Democratic Party.

Singing the Blues All Over

EVERYONE loves the blues. Some people just don’t know it yet. Much like its followers, the blues has hitchhiked from one part of the country to another, evolving into new genres like R&B, soul and rock.

The plan for Arkadelphia – CCSP envisions county with ‘a vibrant business environment, with healthy economy’

…Many of the goals and action steps affecting Arkadelphia are continuations of previous plans, such as the city’s Master Plan or the 2025 Commission’s master plan. Among those goals are plans to give Arkadelphia more of a “college town” fell with more sidewalks, pocket parks, murals and other attractions in the downtown area that would attract foot traffic and visitors…

Letter to the Editor

Congratulations to the Boys and Girls club for the GOOD NEWS that recently appeared in our local paper concerning their first year’s progress.

Clark County rallies for renewal

Clark County residents hope that within a decade their area becomes a destination for retirees and college students, a technology center for the state and a premier recreational and tourism site for the Southern United States.

Keeping strategic plan alive aim of leadership subcommittee

The is the sixth in a series of stories about the Clark County Strategic Plan. The focus is on the leadership section of the plan.

Leadership can be compared to art. It’s difficult to define, but we know it when we see it. That’s why the members of the leadership subcommittee of the Clark County Strategic Plan called their area the “least tangible” one of the plan, in terms of who…