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A city rebuilds

A retired professor of chemistry at Ouachita Baptist University, Nix is known around here as The Water Guy. Before the winds blew, he was out on DeGray Lake with some visiting scientists. They were trying to figure out why the state’s eagle population was…

Smart Growth

A walking tour of this Mississippi River town’s past, present and future could start at Bubba’s Blues Corner at the south end of Cherry Street, a whisky bottle’s throw from the Mighty River. Bubba Sullivan has a little of everything in his shop, including a healthy dose of Helena blues history (free of charge) and old 45 rpm records (25 cents each).

Final strategic plan presented to public

Clark County now has a 47-page plan of action for economic development and improvement.

More than 150 people attended the final community meeting of the Clark County Strategic Plan Thursday night in McBeth Recital Hall at Ouachita Baptist University.

‘Blueprint’ to market county, build tourism, develop downtown districts

The working draft of the Clark County Strategic Plan is more than 40 pages long. It includes the goals of each of the six subcommittees, 40 individual goals in all, and the 252 action steps needed to reach those goals. The document is not an assessment, study or analysis but rather a blueprint for change with workable plans of action, the draft states.

Bio-diesel tanks arrive

Day tanks are being installed this week at Planters Service in preparation for the future construction of the bio-diesel plant.

Delta dream fast becoming a reality

I think it is now safe to say that Phillips County and the rest of the Delta is fast becoming more than just a blip on the radar screen. I know there are people in the area that would say that this area generates some not-so-good news and say that I am way off in my assertion…