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Saving Money on Your Honey for Valentine’s Day

Saving Money on Your Honey for Valentine’s Day

By Charlestien Harris How do I love thee? Let me “save” the ways! Alright, maybe that sounds a little off, but being able to “count” the ways can still be relevant. You might be asking the question, “How can I save money on my honey for Valentine’s Day when I am...
Love Your Money and Your Honey

Love Your Money and Your Honey

By Charlestien Harris It’s February, and love is in the air! It is not impossible to entertain the idea that you can love your money with your honey. Historically, statistics state that money is one of the top reasons most couples fight and can end a marriage. Your...
How to Celebrate Frugal February!

How to Celebrate Frugal February!

By Charlestien Harris Whew! You made it through the first month of the year. Now what? What else can you do to improve or strengthen your finances? I am glad you asked! Frugal February is a month-long effort to be more financially responsible and save money. The idea...
Are Your Financial Goals Still Realistic?

Are Your Financial Goals Still Realistic?

By Charlestien Harris January is the start of a new year, and it may be time for you to rethink or set new goals for 2025! Life comes with unexpected twists and turns, and your financial goals may need to change with the new year. Determining your short-term and...
A New Year to Beware of an Old Scam

A New Year to Beware of an Old Scam

By Charlestien Harris Happy New Year to those of you I have not greeted! Unfortunately for us consumers, scammers are always busy trying to get something for nothing! Real estate property title scamming is not new, but it happens more often than you think. Some of you...
Southern Bancorp: Wealth Builders for Everyone!

Southern Bancorp: Wealth Builders for Everyone!

By Charlestien Harris Who wants to build wealth…raise your hand! Most of us aspire to be financially stable during our lifetime. Being financially sound and knowing how to build your wealth can take different paths depending on the goals you set for yourself. What is...
ACA Open Enrollment Deadline is Fast Approaching

ACA Open Enrollment Deadline is Fast Approaching

By Charlestien Harris The end of the year is coming, and usually, we don’t think about our health concerns until the new year. However, there is a deadline approaching fast: the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment for health insurance. The open enrollment deadline...
Preventing Holiday-Induced Financial Stress

Preventing Holiday-Induced Financial Stress

By Charlestien Harris Often, we are told to get in the “holiday” spirit. But what does that really mean? For some of us, it means adopting a more festive attitude or mood. For others, it means wondering how to pay for the extra food, gifts, and costs incurred while...