2024 Year-End Tax Strategies
By Charlestien Harris Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! You may have just filed your extension from last year’s taxes, but this is the perfect time to begin preparing for next year’s tax season. November is the perfect month to start thinking about year-end tax strategies to...
The Telltale Signs of Too Much Debt
By Charlestien Harris The holidays are coming! The holidays are coming! But that does not automatically mean that the usual debt must accompany the season. Nearly every adult in the United States has some form of debt. There are several steps you can take to avoid...
Weatherizing Your Home to Save Money
By Charlestien Harris Burrrrr… Mr. Winter is already flexing his muscles with this early cold snap! I don’t know about you, but I can feel the temperature changing, which lets me know winter is on its way. Usually, during the winter months, utility bills can get...
Consumer Protection: Vetting Charitable Organizations
By Charlestien Harris Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and natural disasters are a fact of nature. During these times of need, many of us want to give donations to help others navigate the difficult road to recovery. Often, nonprofits, charities, and other organizations...
October is also National Financial Planning Month
By Charlestien Harris Last week, I discussed October as Financial Exploitation Month to raise awareness about the importance of being cautious with your financial transactions and personal information. This week, I want to talk about how essential it is to have a...
October is Financial Exploitation Awareness Month
By Charlestien Harris Let me start by saying that when you work hard for your money and someone works just as hard to steal it, it’s incredibly frustrating! Financial exploitation is commonly defined as the illegal or improper use of another person’s money or...
Financial Benefits of Applying for Medicare at 65
By Charlestien Harris I am turning 65 this month, and I am excited about the benefits that come with it – Medicare being just one of them! For those who may not know, Medicare is the federal health insurance program for anyone age 65 and older, as well as for some...
Data Breaches Happen: How to Protect Your Personal Information
By Charlestien Harris With the increase in major data breaches lately, I thought it would be a great time to discuss some ways you, as a consumer, can help protect your sensitive personal information. It’s never a good day when you receive an alert that your personal...