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Bank, GFF still offering VITA program in Phillips County

Southern Bancorp and its nonprofit affiliate Southern Good Faith Fund in partnership with the IRS are offering the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to the residents of Phillips County and surrounding areas beginning.

Southern Bancorp of Arkansas investing in community

An Arkansas based bank invests in people. Part of Southern Bancorp’s mission is to revitalize rural communities. They say it’s working, but they have a long way to go and in some areas, time it running out.

Southern Bancorp is a billion-dollar bank, first funded by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation. Its mission is to revitalize rural communities. A recent investment of $11 million by the Kellogg Foundation is intended to help.

EDCCC partners with Henderson’s SBTDC

On Jan. 26 the Economic Development Corp. of Clark County presented the Henderson State University Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC) with a check in the amount of $12,500 to begin implementation of a Business Retention and Expansion Program. Southern Bancorp provided an additional $12,500 for the program.

Argenta CDC to help Pulaski County residents with match savings

How would you like to earn $3 for every dollar you put into savings? If you meet the qualifications, it’s not out of reach.
In a time when it’s just that much more difficult to save money toward a house, college or starting a small business, the Argenta Community Development Corporation could make all the difference.

…AAIDAP is funded by Arkansas Department of Workforce Services, Southern Good Faith Fund and Arkansas Economic Development Commission….

Officials look at bluff property

Arkadelphia, Ark. –

For years, some Arkadelphia residents have dreamed of putting a museum of some sort on a high bluff that overlooks the Ouachita River. Most perceptions of what the museum would entail, however, differ slightly.

Now their dream of developing the land and turning it into a tourist attraction can become a reality.

Bank gets $11 million investment

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Mich., one of the 10 largest foundations in the country, has made an $11 million investment in Southern Bancorp, the Arkadelphia bank said Wednesday.

Southern will use the funds to enhance its efforts to revitalize rural communities in the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi is one of three areas of focus for the foundation, including Michigan and New Mexico, said Phil Baldwin, Southern’s chairman and chief executive officer.

Free tax return work offered as a community service

GREENVILLE — For people who make $49,000 a year or less, Southern Bancorp will prepare their federal and state returns for free.

The Leland and Greenville branches has set special hours for Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Leland branch manager Ashley Zepponi said those who want to take advantage of the offer does not have to be a bank customer.

Arkansas Banks Flex Their Muscles

With more than 140 financial institutions closing across the United States in 2009, Arkansas banks — for the most part — avoided the spotlight … that’s a good thing.

Kellogg Foundation Awards $11 million to Southern Bancorp to help Delta region

The Mississippi Delta region has an important place in American cultural history; it’s known as the home of the blues. Unfortunately, people who live in one of the 18 counties of the region might be able to tell you exactly why Delta natives sing the blues.

The region has one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates and – especially in the current recession – it is faces concentrated poverty, according to a report from the Community Affairs Offices of the Federal Reserve System and the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution.

Tax service helps, informs residents

For those people who cringe at the thought of preparing their income tax returns, help is now available, and it’s free of charge.

“This program is sponsored by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and we’re encouraging folks to get their taxes done for free,” said Blake Williams, who is with the Good Faith Fund.

Through a grant from the Pine Bluff Area Community Foundation, accounting students at SEARK received a stipend allowing them to receive extensive training on preparing the tax forms for area residents.