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CCSP committee reviews areas of progress since the inception of the plan

The passage of a ½-cent sales tax last summer is the greatest accomplishment of the economic development subcommittee, said Bill Wright, an advisory member. Thanks to the overwhelming support of the county citizens, that money is now being used to bring new business and jobs into Clark County.

Participants learn the ropes of leadership as class begins

Participants kicked off Leadership Clark County at Camp Winnamocka Thursday. A total of 24 individuals from throughout the county were recently selected to participate in the course as the Inaugural Class.

This inaugural group started their day with LCC chairman Billy Tarpley providing some words of encouragement and State Rep. Johnnie Roebuck facilitating exercises on leadership styles.

KIPP Charter School Awarded $2.6 Million for Delta Expansion

KIPP Delta College Preparatory School of Helena announced Tuesday that the Charter School Growth Fund has awarded the school a $2.6 grant, which will be used for expansion.

Officials from KIPP, which stands for Knowledge Is Power Program, say the award is the largest the school has received to date.

Take Me to Ruleville (song)

The Community of Ruleville, Mississippi, commemorated the launch of the Ruleville community plan with a song written especially for the occasion, “Take Me to Ruleville.”

Delta Yams Experience growing pains already

Phillips County’s newest industry Delta Yams is already getting ready for an expansion and this comes after only a year of operation.

Over a million dollars has been made available through a grant of $700,000 from the U.S. Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration and another $300,000 from the state Department of Economic Development for the expansion of Delta Yams, located on Highway 49, just west of Barton. However, that expansion’s success depends on the participation of six additional new sweet potato growers.

SGFF wins award from Entergy

On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Entergy Arkansas presented Southern Good Faith Fund with the “Making Things Brighter Award in Community Leadership” at their Low-Income Advocates Leadership and Community Development Conference. This is an annual award to recognize contributions made in improving the lives of low-income families.

Projects fashioned to revive historic Helena

HELENA-WEST HELENA, Ark. (AP) – Helena-West Helena city officials and a community-driven Delta Bridge Project are in their fifth year of economic development work in the pre-Civil War town, the seat of one of the poorest counties in the country.

The Delta Bridge Project initiative has leveraged more than $60 million to revitalize Phillips County. Also, a voter-approved 2-cent city sales tax has generated more than $1.1 million for city services since July 2007.

Power to Care in Urgent Need of Money

PINE BLUFF- A hot summer in a struggling economy has left more elderly and disabled customers than normal unable to pay their energy bills, nearly depleting the funds available to low-income Arkansans through Entergy Arkansas’s Power to Care program.

Formerly known as Project Deserve, Power to Care is a program funded by contributions from Entergy Arkansas customers, employees, retirees, and shareholders to help our less fortunate customers pay their energy bill during times of financial crisis. The fund is administered by Southern Good Faith Fund (SGFF) of Pine Bluff.