In the News
Unified plan needed says SBC officials
…Black commented that people often tell him that they want jobs but do not realize just how much goes into bringing jobs to Phillips County.
KIPP receives a HHF grant
The Helena Health Foundation has announced that the KIPP Delta Preparatory School is a recent grant recipient from the foundation. The grant was awarded to the KIPP School to help the school implement a five-year health improvement plan.
New program matches funds for college
The future of Arkansas is in the hands of the children and education officials, along with Sen. Gilbert Baker, visited Sallie Cone Elementary School Friday to present a new way to make the future a little brighter.
City receives another 30 days to provide the documents for state audit
The city of Helena-West Helena have submitted most of a list of documents to state auditors who in turn gave the city another 30 days to finish compiling the list. Mayor James Valley said that only three documents deep the city from fulfilling the order.
CCSP’s economic panel updated on ‘parkway’ project
The economic development subcommittee of the Clark County Strategic Plan heard reports on the aviation program at Henderson State University and on a new university boulevard during its regular meeting Monday night.
Southern Good Faith Fund proposes severance tax increase to finance trust fund for higher education
LITTLE ROCK— Southern Good Faith Fund’s Public Policy program today released a report that proposes creating an Arkansas Promise Trust Fund to help more Arkansans go to college, financed by an increase in the state’s historically low severance tax on natural gas.
Construction starts on new Gurdon school complex
It’s a process that has taken more than eight years, but construction has begun on a new auditorium and administrative complex on the Gurdon High School campus.
Economic board takes care of fiscal housekeeping
The Economic Development Corp. of Clark County now has banking and accounting services after the board approved proposals for them Tuesday night.
Summit Bank of Arkadelphia will provide two accounts, checking and money market, for the corporation’s funds. Summit presented the best proposal for the services, said Randy Turner, finance chairman EDCCC.
CCSP housing panel talks ways of reaching retirees
Many people responded to Internet surveys during the strategic planning process, and they revealed needs for certain types of housing. Both “high end” and “affordable” housing are needed in the county, according to the surveys. But significant projects have begun since those surveys were made, members of the subcommittee said.
First Bank of the Delta announces three promotions
Jimbo Boyd, president and CEO of First Bank of the Delta and the First Bank Board of Directors, recently announced promotions for three First Bank employees – Frances Davidson, Leigh Ann Lammers and Dana Worstell.