In the News
Beebe praises county’s development of plan
Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe said he likes Clark County.
Speaking Monday at Arkansas Hall at Henderson State University, Beebe was the keynote speaker for the kickoff celebration for the Clark County Strategic Community Plan. He said the 18 months of work put into the plan by citizens of Clark County makes the county more attractive to prospective businesses, industries and residents.
Beebe hails plan to revitalize Ark. County as model for state.
A plan to revitalize Clark County written by 500 residents of the southwestern Arkansas county over the past year and a half was hailed Monday by Gov. Mike Beebe as a model for community development statewide.
Beebe joined community leaders for the unveiling of the county’s strategic plan, modeled after the Delta Bridge Project in Phillips County, spearheaded by Arkadelphia-based Southern Bancorp.
Tour da' Delta Ride 2007
There’s a boom happening around Arkansas. It’s not a housing boom or a baby boom. This is more of a two-wheeled boom. Spandex is optional.
After a hot, dry summer, organizers are coming out of the woodwork with rides for road cyclists interested in tackling routes of up to 100 miles and, on many occasions, raising money for charity.
Tour Da Delta set for Saturday
The Tour Da’ Delta is set to kick off Saturday morning at 8 a.m. at the Mississippi River Park. Over 100 cyclists signed up during early registration. For those who still want to sign up, you may register on-site at 7 a.m. The cost for the tour is $40. For more information, log onto or email Ben Steinberg at
Brian Miller – remember that name
…Brian Miller loved the place. And it showed. He didn’t run away. Not even after he got his law degree from Vanderbilt and had the world to conquer/save. Even when he worked as a lawyer for a big firm in Memphis, young Miller commuted back and forth…
Business booming at sweet potato facility
Though this is the first harvest season and the first year of operation for Arkansas Delta Yams, the management team is already making plans and putting together a proposal to expand their facility in order to double their capacity by the 2008 harvest season.
FDIC, Southern Good Faith Fund Announce Statewide Partnership – Alliance to focus on expanding access to IDA program in Arkansas, other financial services
LITTLE ROCK – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Southern Good Faith Fund announced today a partnership to expand access to Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) and other banking products and services that target underserved populations.
Building Economies in the Delta and the Iron Range
Two of the most unlikely places in rural America to find economic success are the Iron Range of Minnesota and south Arkansas. But there it is – and community colleges are at the center of the action.
State’s sweet-potato crop ‘yam good’ – New storage facility near Poplar Grove allows for increased yield
POPLAR GROVE — The new sweet-potato storage and distribution facility here will soon be identified with a sign for “Arkansas Delta Yams,” manager Cindy Neal said. Although sweet potatoes and yams are two unrelated plants, many U.S. sweet potatoes are marketed as “yams.”
After school program to get funds from the feds
U.S. Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln have announced that $250,000 in federal funds for Save the Children, a juvenile delinquency prevention program for the Helena-West Helena area, has passed the senate and is on the way to a joint Senate-House committee. The committee will negotiate differences between the two respective bills and produce a final conference report that Pryor says will be approved.