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Survey gives leadership low marks

Residents of Clark County feel the community has many strengths, including low crime rate, air quality and adequate health care, but are dissatisfied with local government and leadership. The results of a survey were announced Tuesday evening during the county’s Strategic Planning Committee meeting at Central Primary School.

Subcommittees begin meeting; Strategic Planning Committee will meet on Tuesday

The first of a series of subcommittee meetings of the Clark County Strategic Plan Committee will be at 6 p.m. today in the Caplinger Airway Science Lecture Hall at Henderson State University.

According to Dr. Wesley Kluck and Dr. Alan Wright, the first session will allow subcommittee chairmen and advisors to meet with the plan’s facilitator, Ed Bee.

Results of survey to be released next week

The community survey part of the Clark County Strategic Plan (CCSP) has closed and the results will be announced next Tuesday evening during the next meeting of the committee.

The survey was conducted by Taimerica, a consulting firm hired to facilitate the creation of Clark County’s Strategic Development Plan.

Citizens will have input in Tuesday’s ‘brainstorming’ session

With all the planning for the future taking place in Clark County, some confusion is perhaps inevitable, according to Dr. Wesley Kluck, one of the chairmen of the Clark County Strategic Planning Committee.

Kluck recently aided the Arkadelphia Planning Commission by distributing information about a design charrette for the Comprehensive Development Plan.

Ed Bee explains company’s role in developing strategic plan

Ed Bee’s role in Clark County’s Strategic Planning Committee is simple, yet complex. Bee and his company, Taimerica, were hired by the committee to serve as the facilitator of a strategic development plan, but that title isn’t always accurate, Bee said.

KIPP, KIPP hooray!

This was last fall at Helena’s almost-famous KIPP charter school, officially styled Delta College Preparatory. The occasion? A school-wide assembly to celebrate yet another honor and award. Scott Shirey, founding principal and guiding light at Delta College Prep, was getting a big check.

Making It All

Although the next city-wide cleanup project has been set for Sept. 9, work has already begun at several sites around town, and Don
Clark said he’s pleased.