In the News
Arkadelphia – A great place to call home … So what’s the problem?
Editor’s note: This is the first of a three-part series on the strengths and needs of the Arkadelphia area and suggested solutions to these needs. This report was compiled, researched and written by students in the Advanced Reporting class at Ouachita Baptist University.
Nonprofits Plant Seeds of Change in Delta City
In a town revered for its blues music but pitied for its economic blight, nonprofits work to change the tune one business at a time.
On the banks of the Mississippi River in eastern Arkansas’ Phillips County lies Helena — technically Helena-West Helena after the cities’ merger in January — a rural town about a half-century removed from its economic high-water mark.
Looking to buck trend
Large banks across the country are selling or closing branches in small communities, but in Arkansas rural branches are flourishing.
The Search for Solutions
After hearing people complain about the lack of jobs in Clark County or the need for activities in Arkadelphia, Dr. Wesley Kluck decided to take action. ” For the past several months there has been discussion in our community about what’s wrong with Arkadelphia and why are we not growing.”
Leaders to gather for Delta AHEC opening
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences along with state and local leaders will gather here today for the official grand opening of the Delta Area Health Education Center and Vasudevan Wellness Center. The Event is scheduled to begin with a tour of the facility beginning at 3:30. The ceremonies will begin at 5 p.m.
Arkansas Delta county to get sweet potato depot
East Arkansas farmers who want to diversity in an area where soybeans, cotton and race have long been the primary crops may look forward to a sweet-potato storage and distribution facility that is planned for Phillips County.
USDA to give $750,000 to Southern Financial Partners
Southern Financial Partners of Arkadelphia will receive $750,000 in loan funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Intermediary Relending Program.
The money is part of nearly $5.7 million in revolving loan funds that the USDA is investing in nine business development organizations across the United States.
Program to aid caregivers of grandkids clears 1st state hurdle
A $950,000 pilot program that would aid eligible grandparents in four Delta and Ozark counties who are the sole caretakers of at least one grandchild passed in a state legislative subcommittee Wednesday.
Groups working together to save bank
Bunky Butler and Charlie Craig have never let a sticking point gouge their long-standing friendship. Both were more themselves Friday afternoon as they shared a sense of optimism that Friars Point can prove to Southern Bancorp’s satisfaction that its branch bank should remain open.
Bank given reprieve
At a public meeting requested by the Concerned Citizens of Friars Point under the direction of the Federal Deposit Insurance corp., the president /CEO of Southern Bancorp has given Friars Point six months to achieve a satisfactory financial portfolio in order to save its Delta Southern branch bank.