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Entergy Arkansas partnered with Channel Seven Thursday to help raise money for homeowners struggling to pay high energy bills.

Coupled with advance fundraising Entergy raised $88,000 to help Arkansas families in need through the “Power to Care” fund. For every dollar a caller donates, Entergy matches $2.

The event is just part of an ongoing Entergy campaign to not only raise money for low-income utility customers, but also help promote energy-efficiency tips and tools, bill payment assistance, bill management programs and other strategies the company offers to help people through a hot summer.

Thursday Entergy employees were on hand at Channel Seven taking pledges by phone and answering basic questions about how to access assistance.

‘The Power to Care’ is a grant program funded by Entergy and administered by the Southern Good Faith Fund, which offers assistance to elderly and disabled customers on fixed incomes. SGFF works with 16 community agencies in 62 counties to process applications. When a household is determined to be eligible for a grant, the funds are credited directly to their Entergy bill.