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A recent study by the Carsey Institute found that among U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, those who are from rural America are dying at a higher rate than those soldiers who are from cities and suburbs. According to U.S. Department of Defense records, rural youth enlist in the military at a higher rate than urban and suburban youth and in all but eight states, soldiers from rural areas make up a disproportionately high share of the casualties.

On Veterans Day, America comes together to honor all those who have served in past wars and those who are currently serving. It is important to recognize that the sacrifices Americans are making impact all communities but, significantly, have a disproportionate impact on rural communities and families.

View the report and state-by-state casualty rates

Link to soldier casualties by county

Read the press release

–The Carsey Institute builds knowledge for families and communities in the 21st Century.