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What if where you banked mattered? At Southern Bancorp, it does.

Just by banking with us, you’re helping financially underserved and economically struggling communities throughout the Mid-South create stronger financial foundations upon which to build brighter futures. And that’s no marketing gimmick.

You see, Southern Bancorp was founded to build communities and change lives. Our mission is to be wealth builders for everyone in the communities we serve, regardless of where they are on their personal financial journey, the language they speak, or their zip code. The American Dream should be in reach for everyone, and that’s why we exist.

By starting a checking or savings account with us, opening a CD, or even letting us help you manage your business’ banking needs, you’re helping to ensure that we can continue offering those same services in places, communities, and neighborhoods that need it most.

If you’re ready to start banking where it matters, contact us today.


Develop the tools needed on your financial journey, either on your own through the Learning Center or with a Southern Bancorp credit counselor (even remotely).


Open an account or inquire about a loan with us today, and you will be investing in the future of our communities. Just drop us a line and one of our representatives will contact you.


Big changes are happening in our markets. Let’s keep in touch. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or join our Impact Newsletter.

If you’re ready to get started, visit a local branch, drop us a line, or give us a call. Or check out some of the stories below from real customers who made their dreams a reality by partnering with Southern Bancorp. No actors or spokespeople, just real people telling their story.