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By: Charlestien Harris

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and we thought it would be important to recognize the impact that financial stress can have on one’s mental health. Mental health issues due to stress can include anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleeplessness just to name a few.

We know that debt and financial concerns often contribute to an individual’s stress levels. But not everyone knows that there are resources available to people which can begin to alleviate some of those concerns.

One way that you can work toward more positive outcome when it comes to your finances is to enroll in a financial education class or financial wellness program that may be offered by your employer. Other organizations offer on-hand staff to assist with those financial topics that might interest you. Groups like non-profits, faith-based or HUD approved counseling agencies have resources as well.

Financial wellness programs help to specifically address employees and their individual needs. Employers can help lessen employee financial stress and improve mental health by providing ways to learn important financial management skills and behaviors while on the job or by hosting after work classes.

Potential outcomes of taking advantage of your employer’s financial wellness program or other available programs are:

  • Be better prepared for retirement
  • Get spending habits under control
  • Pay off debt or reduce the amount of debt owed
  • Save more for major goals or set more realistic goals
  • Manage investment accounts or be able to allocate your assets more efficiently
  • Manage healthcare expenses or possibly save for future healthcare expenses

You can also make an appointment with one of our credit/HUD certified housing counselors to talk about how you can take steps to improve your finances and ease the money stress that can take a toll on one’s mental health. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to tackle these financial stressors on your own.

For more information on this financial topic, you can contact me at or call me at 662-624-5776. Until next week—Stay financially fit!