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Super Summer Saving

Super Summer Saving

It’s Summer! While most of us are still at work, our kids want to stay busy too. In this blog, I will tackle some budget friendly activities that you can do with your family this summer. But first, let’s start with planning for next year. Dependent Care Many companies...
Census 2020: Be Counted!

Census 2020: Be Counted!

By Kathryn Hazelett Every 10 years, the United States counts its people – all of them. This is the census and it’s happening again in 2020. There is an entire government entity centered on the census – it’s that important. The census looks not only at the number of...
Advocacy 101: Local Decision Makers

Advocacy 101: Local Decision Makers

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the final entry in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries from the rest of the series are...
Advocacy 101: Federal Decision Makers

Advocacy 101: Federal Decision Makers

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries from the rest of the series are linked...
Advocacy 101: State Decision Makers in Mississippi

Advocacy 101: State Decision Makers in Mississippi

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries from the rest of the series are linked...
Every Budget Needs a Blueprint

Every Budget Needs a Blueprint

They say the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. This time last year, I was in complete denial about having a spending problem. That is until my financial advisor, Southern Bancorp, Inc. CEO Darrin Williams told me to start tracking all of my...
Advocacy 101: State Decision Makers in Mississippi

Advocacy 101: State Decision Makers in Arkansas

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries for the rest of the series are linked...
Advocacy 101: Ideas to Implementation

Advocacy 101: Ideas to Implementation

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries for the rest of the series are linked at...
Every Budget Needs a Blueprint

It’s Time for Less Spending and More Wealth Building

I’ve often been told not to refer to myself as “broke”. Understandable, since the definition of the word is to be penniless, poverty-stricken and completely out of money. Yet, it can certainly feel that way when you can’t really afford the lifestyle you want. Hi! My...