Home Improvements: Super Saver Edition
Hey Super Saver friends! I haven’t written a blog post in about two months, so I thought it would be nice to start my post with a life update mid-pandemic. Life has definitely looked a little different these past few months. I have been working from home since March,...
Super Saving with Kids during a Pandemic
For many of us, our kids are now at home with us all day. If your kids are like mine, they are suddenly always hungry and you can’t keep them occupied. Here are some ideas for you to save money while making sure your kids are well taken care of. Snacks Grab a small...
Super Pandemic Saving
I never thought that my next blog post would be on how to save during a pandemic. But, here we are. This post is a little longer, so stay with me. We are all in different aspects of this pandemic. Some are working from home, some are unable to work from home and are...
Super Saving: America Saves Week Edition
America Saves Week is here! America Saves Week is an annual celebration and call to action for every American to commit to saving successfully. So, how can you start saving? Save Automatically When I think of saving automatically, I initially think of setting up a...
Super Smart Tax Savings
A new decade, a new tax year. 2020 is here and tax season has officially started. Every year, millions of Americans get a tax refund and every year millions of Americans spend their tax refund within weeks, maybe even days of getting their check or direct deposit....
Holiday Super Saving
Black Friday as we knew it for years has changed. The days of having to go out at midnight to get a good deal are practically over, as many stores have started opening on Thanksgiving Day and others wait until normal business hours the day after. Nonetheless,...
Pay Day Super Saving
Have you ever looked at the calendar and been excited to see five Fridays or perhaps even five Wednesdays in a month? For many of us, that excitement comes from knowing we’re going to receive an “extra” paycheck. Those who get paid bi-weekly (depending on which day of...
Back to School Super Saving
I know what you are thinking: Where did the summer go? For many of us, school will start in just a couple of weeks, and believe it or not, you can actually save money while doing your back to school shopping! Keep reading for some tips for saving money and time as you...