In the News
Capping payday loans gets 90-3 win
A bill to severely limit interest rates charged for “payday loans” overwhelmingly passed the Arkansas House of Representatives on Thursday, marking the biggest threat to the practice in the eight years that it has been legal in the state.
$670,000 donated for Delta
While politicians talked Friday about needing an integrated approach to address health care, education and economic development in the Arkansas Delta, Southern Bancorp announced $670,000 in grant funding to help projects that would address some of those needs in one Delta community – Phillips County.
Old church at Caddo and Seventh included in cleanup plan
Nine out of 10 properties selected for demolition or improvement have been razed and the next phase of a city-wide cleanup plan is being implemented, Arkadelphia City Manager Jimmy Bolt said.
Editorial: Let’s do this
Do you believe that we need to find a way to better fund economic development activities in Clark County?
Are you interested in attracting jobs, new restaurants and places to shop?
Are you interested in growing the community?
Helena-West Helena’s $1-a-ride bus service will have 66 stops
Bus shelters and signs began going up last week in Helena-West Helena in preparation for the start-up of CitiLink – a new fixed-route bus service for residents of the east Arkansas town.
In new Helena-West Helena, life seems a little better
HELENA-WEST HELENA, Ark. – Even among the dilapidated houses and ghostly storefronts in Helena-West Helena, it’s easy to believe the young Michael Boone when he says his beaten-down hometown will shake off its blues.
CCSP economic group identifies county’s strengths
Interstate 30, the railroad and the airport were named Clark County’s top strengths during a survey of county residents, said members of the economic development subcommittee of the county’s Strategic Planning Committee.
Planning commissioners hear from Bunn about Gardens development
Members of the Arkadelphia Planning Commission approved preliminary plans for a retirement community being developed by a local builder after no one objected during a public hearing Thursday afternoon.
Billy Bunn of Bunn Builders presented plans for The Gardens, a planned unit development to be occupied by persons over 55. The unit will be constructed on land that connects 26th Street to Walnut Street.
Clark County Plan: 2006 Highlights
The year 2006 began in Clark County with a burn ban and sales tax refunds and ended with a cooperative effort of county residents to plan for growth and development.
Town in Delta marks 1st year of unification: Helena-W. Helena officials see more challenges ahead
Even a year later, the name Helena-West Helena doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.