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Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
If you prefer to learn on your own, we have a variety of free materials ready to download on our Opportunity Center page, as well as a weekly blog series that covers everything from reducing debt to estate planning to homeownership.

Looking for something more in-depth?

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  • Financial Education
  • One-on-ones
  • Workshops
  • Courses
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Financial Wellness Tips

Financial Wellness Tips

Evaluating Your Financial Fitness

Evaluating Your Financial Fitness

By: Charlestien Harris The economic impact of the pandemic requires us to become financially conscious. Right now, many people are still trying to organize or reorganize their finances. Knowing where you stand with your finances is critical to the success of your...

The Five Categories of Personal Finance

The Five Categories of Personal Finance

By: Charlestien Harris In last week’s article, I addressed teaching financial principles to your kids, and today we’ll discuss a few important principles to remember as adults. We’re discussing the five categories that attribute to personal finance, which are income,...

Fair Housing Issue: Discriminatory Advertising

Fair Housing Issue: Discriminatory Advertising

By Charlestien Harris: We’re all familiar with advertising. It’s essentially an invitation to buy, sell, or use a product or service. Yet in a world where advertising is everywhere, surprisingly few people know it is illegal to advertise in a discriminatory manner...

Are You a Victim of Unfair Housing?

Are You a Victim of Unfair Housing?

By Charlestien Harris: The Fair Housing Act was passed on April 11, 1968 and was designed to protect Americans from discrimination in selling or buying houses. The Act prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender,...

­­March Money Madness: The Importance of the W4

­­March Money Madness: The Importance of the W4

By: Charlestien Harris  If you are a sports fan, then you know what March Madness is all about. The month of March is a great time to look at your finances ahead of tax season, and I’m here to help you through the madness! This week, I want to help make sure your...

Creating Good Financial Habits

Creating Good Financial Habits

By: Charlestien Harris When it comes to making or breaking habits, the experts are varied in their advice. One study says it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit. Another study promotes the 21 /90 rule, which says that one must commit to a...

Healing the Heartbreak of Bad Credit

Healing the Heartbreak of Bad Credit

By: Charlestien Harris All month long I’ve been talking about financial love, and we all know that "Love Don't Come Easy." There is always chance of heartbreak. The final piece of my financial love advice touches on why building or rebuilding your credit profile is...