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Financial Wellness Tips
Financial Wellness Tips
Learning How to Get Through the Month
By Charlestien Harris As difficult as it can be to make ends meet, it’s getting even tougher during this pandemic. Now is the time to develop strategies that will guide your finances well beyond this health crisis. Understanding your cash flow will help...
Keeping Your Credit Strong during a Pandemic
By Charlestien Harris Hello again my financial fitness trainees! As you know, we’ve been discussing the importance of lowering expenses and prioritizing bills. Being able to stay current on bills can become increasingly challenging as the COVID-19 crisis...
Don’t Let High Bill Payments Weigh You Down
Hello everyone! I am Charlestien Harris, certified housing and credit counselor, and I’m back again to talk about finances. The coronavirus has destroyed many budgets and affected the normal flow of income for a number of households. Previously, I talked about bill...
Financial Fitness
A financial coach’s blog of tips for staying financially fit By Charlestien Harris As we navigate this very turbulent time in our lives, there are very credible sources of good sound financial advice readily available to the public. I am a HUD Certified...