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Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
If you prefer to learn on your own, we have a variety of free materials ready to download on our Opportunity Center page, as well as a weekly blog series that covers everything from reducing debt to estate planning to homeownership.

Looking for something more in-depth?

We offer: 

  • Financial Education
  • One-on-ones
  • Workshops
  • Courses
  • Outreach
  • Partnership
Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.

Financial Wellness Tips

Financial Wellness Tips

10 Financial Shortcuts for Thanksgiving

10 Financial Shortcuts for Thanksgiving

By: Charlestien Harris If you're hosting large, lively Thanksgiving dinners, this article is tailored just for you! Being financially responsible for preparing that grand meal can be a daunting task, especially if you don't consider some key factors when entertaining...

November Savings for the Holidays

November Savings for the Holidays

By: Charlestien Harris The holiday spending race has begun, and you are ready to claim the prize for being the most prepared for the battle of the budget bulge, right? Is it just me, or does it feel like the holiday season pushes the starting line back earlier and...

Required Minimum Distribution Reminder!

Required Minimum Distribution Reminder!

By: Charlestien Harris Heads up to those of you that are at least 70 ½ and above – it is nearing the end of the year, and you don't want to forget to take your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) that is required by the Internal Revenue Service. Required minimum...

Other Types of Insurance

Other Types of Insurance

By Charlestien Harris   Risk management is a crucial aspect of safeguarding oneself against financial losses. Insurance plays a significant role in effectively managing risk during a financial emergency or unexpected life event. While contemplating the purchase...

September Tip: Update Your Estate Plan

September Tip: Update Your Estate Plan

By: Charlestien Harris There is no doubt that life happens every day, but when the unexpected occurs, you should be prepared emotionally as well as financially. You will never be fully prepared for everything that happens in life, but you can sit down and create a...

Five Money Moves for College Students

Five Money Moves for College Students

By: Charlestien Harris It's that time of year when college-bound students will be transitioning from a familiar place to a college campus – whether far away or perhaps not very far from home. Regardless of the distance, your finances during college should be a top...