March Into Finalizing Your Preparation for Tax Filing Season
By: Charlestien Harris The month of March is considered mid-season for tax filing. If you haven’t started the process of getting your taxes prepared and you don’t plan to prepare them yourself, then you only have a few weeks left! This year, the federal and state tax...
March into Green and Save
By Charlestien Harris March is, of course, known for the holiday of St. Patrick’s Day. This is the day that many people will wear green to commemorate the arrival of Saint Patrick in Ireland, and to celebrate the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. We can...
Tackling Financial Debt in February
By: Charlestien Harris I know we are only two months into the year, but February is a fabulous time to start working on paying down your current debt. Statistics reported by Experian indicate that the average American has a debt amount of $96,371. That can be quite...
How to Spot (and Avoid) Scammers
By: Charlestien Harris The year has barely started and already there are scammers trying to take your hard earned money out of your wallet! Scammers target vulnerable and unsuspecting victims by getting them to fall for a dishonest scheme with the intent to defraud or...
Spending Habits You Need to Develop in 2023
By: Charlestien Harris It is quite rare that a financial counselor would advise you to develop spending habits! Usually, we tend to just give our advice on how to save, invest, or manage your money more efficiently to enjoy a healthy financial lifestyle. But this...
What To Do After a Holiday Financial Binge
By: Charlestien Harris Well, we’ve done it – we spent way too much for the holidays. Now, it’s time to “fix it,” so to speak. While you may not be able to get back all of what you spent this year, don’t worry – there are some steps you can take to improve your...
Alternative Ways to Pay (and Save) for Holiday Festivities
By: Charlestien Harris ‘Twas the week before Christmas, and when all was said and done, not a credit card was sliding – not even for those last-minute items we feel are necessary to have a happy holiday! It takes careful planning and creative thinking to come up with...
10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas on a Budget
By: Charlestien Harris There’s nothing worse than realizing you forgot to buy a Christmas gift for someone on your list. But don’t feel bad – having to buy presents last minute is common, and happens to the best of us. Sometimes, we just miss the shipping deadline, or...