Southern Blog
Your Credit Report: The Impact of Medical Debt Removal
By: Charlestien Harris Your credit score is very important when it comes to how you interact with the financial world around you. One of the main areas of concern for many people is how medical debt has been negatively affecting their credit scores for years....
Personal Finance Tips to Survive in a Changing Economy
By: Charlestien Harris Living through a possible recession requires more than just cutting back on your personal spending. But first, let’s define “recession” so we can fully understand why managing our personal finances during this time is so important. A recession...
Give Yourself a Mid-Year Financial Checkup
By: Charlestien Harris We are now halfway through 2022, which is the perfect time to do a mid-year financial checkup. Review what progress you've made since the beginning of the year, and make plans for the rest of the year to reach your goals. Without regular...
Are You Ready to be a Homeowner?
By: Charlestien Harris All month, we have been talking about homeownership topics in observation of National Homeownership Month. But we don’t want to overlook that all-important question: Are you ready to become a homeowner? Sometimes, the excitement and...
Homeownership: What Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval Means
By: Charlestien Harris Realizing the American dream can be a tedious task sometimes, especially when trying to get financing for that new home you desire. But, before you begin searching for your dream home, you should know or have some idea of how much you will be...
The Benefits of a HUD-Certified Housing Counselor for Homebuyers
By: Charlestien Harris As a HUD-Certified Counselor, I often hear my clients say that they wish they had sought out the services of a HUD-certified housing counselor before they started the process of purchasing their home. I then asked them why, and their response...
Six Required Components to Buying a Home
By: Charlestien Harris Buying a home can be overwhelming, but if you understand what you need before you start the process you can be better prepared for it. Every person that plans to purchase a home has to complete each of these steps to become a homeowner. Let’s...
Realizing the American Dream Yesterday and Today
By: Charlestien Harris Is it June already?! Time flies when you’re working towards healthier financial fitness. Not only is it the halfway mark of our calendar year, but it is also National Homeownership Month. During this month we celebrate the joy that owning...
Finding Money for College
By: Charlestien Harris Congratulations are in order for those of you that have reached this milestone in your educational endeavors. This can mean that those same graduates will be searching for money to continue their education. Finding money to fund college can be a...
Five Money Mistakes to Avoid this Memorial Day
By: Charlestien Harris Memorial Day is right around the corner, and on this special holiday, we remember and honor those brave individuals who gave their life in service to our country. As it’s a federal holiday, many Americans will also be off work, enjoying time...