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Southern Blog

Talking about Poverty: Food Costs in the 1950s

Talking about Poverty: Food Costs in the 1950s

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of blog posts to critically examine how poverty is defined, measured, and talked about, and how those conversations influence public policy. I know, I know. We’ve been talking about poverty. Why are we...

Pay Day Super Saving

Pay Day Super Saving

Have you ever looked at the calendar and been excited to see five Fridays or perhaps even five Wednesdays in a month? For many of us, that excitement comes from knowing we’re going to receive an “extra” paycheck. Those who get paid bi-weekly (depending on which day of...

Talking about Poverty: Measurement

Talking about Poverty: Measurement

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of blog posts to critically examine how poverty is defined, measured, and talked about, and how those conversations influence public policy. Last week, we started our series on poverty with a discussion...

Talking about Poverty: Basic Needs

Talking about Poverty: Basic Needs

By Kathryn Hazelett Nearly 225,000 families live below the poverty line in Arkansas and Mississippi.[1] While we hear and talk about poverty a lot, we’re not always talking the same language. This is the first post in a series looking at how we define poverty, how we...

Pay Day Super Saving

Back to School Super Saving

I know what you are thinking: Where did the summer go? For many of us, school will start in just a couple of weeks, and believe it or not, you can actually save money while doing your back to school shopping! Keep reading for some tips for saving money and time as you...

Pay Day Super Saving

Super Summer Saving

It’s Summer! While most of us are still at work, our kids want to stay busy too. In this blog, I will tackle some budget friendly activities that you can do with your family this summer. But first, let’s start with planning for next year. Dependent Care Many companies...

Census 2020: Be Counted!

Census 2020: Be Counted!

By Kathryn Hazelett Every 10 years, the United States counts its people – all of them. This is the census and it’s happening again in 2020. There is an entire government entity centered on the census – it’s that important. The census looks not only at the number of...

Advocacy 101: Local Decision Makers

Advocacy 101: Local Decision Makers

By Kathryn Hazelett Editor’s note: This is the final entry in a series of blog posts about the legislative process on the state, federal, and local levels, and what you can do to help create and influence policy as a citizen. Entries from the rest of the series are...