Tax Credits and Deductions Explained
By Charlestien Harris It is the middle of tax season, and you still have time to research which tax credits and deductions you are eligible for. The tax deadline of April 15th is fast approaching, so being informed about your choices can benefit you if you know what...
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Ends this Month
By Charlestien Harris Turning 65 last year was a huge milestone for me. Like a hawk, I zeroed in on all the information I could get my hands on months before my birthday. Guess what – it was still pretty mind-boggling to me. I visited my local Social Security office,...
Ways to Build Generational Wealth
By Charlestien Harris February is recognized as Black History Month, and we wanted to join in the festivities by recognizing the rich history that has been established over the years. One of the best ways to honor ancestral history is to take steps to build wealth...
Need-to-Know Financial Aid Facts in February
By Charlestien Harris February is Financial Aid Awareness Month. With all that is going on right now, this is a great time to highlight the importance of understanding and accessing financial aid resources. This is the perfect opportunity to explore the various...
Saving Money on Your Honey for Valentine’s Day
By Charlestien Harris How do I love thee? Let me “save” the ways! Alright, maybe that sounds a little off, but being able to “count” the ways can still be relevant. You might be asking the question, “How can I save money on my honey for Valentine’s Day when I am...
Love Your Money and Your Honey
By Charlestien Harris It’s February, and love is in the air! It is not impossible to entertain the idea that you can love your money with your honey. Historically, statistics state that money is one of the top reasons most couples fight and can end a marriage. Your...
How to Celebrate Frugal February!
By Charlestien Harris Whew! You made it through the first month of the year. Now what? What else can you do to improve or strengthen your finances? I am glad you asked! Frugal February is a month-long effort to be more financially responsible and save money. The idea...
Are Your Financial Goals Still Realistic?
By Charlestien Harris January is the start of a new year, and it may be time for you to rethink or set new goals for 2025! Life comes with unexpected twists and turns, and your financial goals may need to change with the new year. Determining your short-term and...