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Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
Having a strong, basic understanding of your finances is empowering and can put you on the path to financial freedom. Southern Bancorp’s financial counselors and available resources are great first steps.
If you prefer to learn on your own, we have a variety of free materials ready to download on our Opportunity Center page, as well as a weekly blog series that covers everything from reducing debt to estate planning to homeownership.

Looking for something more in-depth?

We offer: 

  • Financial Education
  • One-on-ones
  • Workshops
  • Courses
  • Outreach
  • Partnership
Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.

Financial Wellness Tips

Financial Wellness Tips

Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

By Charlestien Harris It's back-to-school time, and using technology is definitely the order of the day! Getting back into the swing of the school routine can be one of the most stressful times of the year, but it does not have to be. While it may be easy for kids to...

How to Avoid Financial Scammers

How to Avoid Financial Scammers

By Charlestien Harris One of the hottest months of the year is July, and the heat can be unbearable! Similarly, one of the hottest topics in the news is how often unsuspecting consumers are getting scammed, and the financial consequences can also be unbearable. If...

Finding Financial Freedom in July

Finding Financial Freedom in July

By Charlestien Harris In the month of July, the nation celebrates its freedom. Also called Independence Day, the Fourth of July is a public holiday in the United States of America that commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which...

Understanding Homeownership Terminology, Part 2

Understanding Homeownership Terminology, Part 2

By Charlestien Harris I hope that last week’s article helped you understand the home buying process terms a little better. It is my desire to educate my audience and to make a difference in their lives. Going into the process armed with knowledge can make the...

Understanding Homeownership Terminology, Part 1

Understanding Homeownership Terminology, Part 1

By Charlestien Harris Buying a home can be a very exciting experience, but like most industries, the housing industry has its own language or jargon used to describe certain transactions when purchasing a home. Usually, the consumer is so excited about the process...

Credit Utilization and Homeownership

Credit Utilization and Homeownership

By Charlestien Harris June is celebrated as National Homeownership Month! It can be an exciting time for a first-time home buyer or a more pleasant experience for a family looking to upgrade to a larger home. Several factors can affect your ability to purchase a home,...

Getting Ready for College and Beyond

Getting Ready for College and Beyond

By: Charlestien Harris May is the season for graduations! I just returned from my grandson’s celebration this past week in Alabama, as a matter of fact. But May can also be a time of reflection and preparation. Finances are a big part of why many students don’t choose...